TypeScript Syntax

1️⃣ TypeScript Syntax vs. JavaScript Syntax

TypeScript extends JavaScript, meaning you can write regular JavaScript code and add extra TypeScript features.

JavaScript Code (Valid in TypeScript)

let message = "Hello, World!";

TypeScript Code with Type Annotations

let message: string = "Hello, World!";

👉 Key difference: The : string specifies that message must always be a string.

2️⃣ Variables and Data Types in TypeScript

In TypeScript, you must define data types for variables.

🔹 Declaring Variables with Type Annotations

let name: string = "John";  // String type
let age: number = 25; // Number type
let isStudent: boolean = true; // Boolean type

TypeScript enforces the correct data type, preventing unexpected errors.

🔹 Using let, const and var

KeywordScopeReassignment Allowed?
letBlock✅ Yes
constBlock❌ No
varFunction✅ Yes (Avoid using it)


let username: string = "Alice";
const PI: number = 3.14;
var country: string = "India"; // Not recommended in TypeScript

3️⃣ Functions in TypeScript

TypeScript functions must define input and output types.

🔹 Function with Parameters and Return Type

function addNumbers(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
console.log(addNumbers(10, 20)); // Output: 30

✔ a: number, b: number → Both parameters must be numbers.
✔ : number → The function returns a number.

🔹 Function with Optional Parameters

Use ? to make parameters optional.

function greet(name: string, age?: number): string {
if (age) {
return `Hello, ${name}. You are ${age} years old.`;
return `Hello, ${name}.`;
console.log(greet("John")); // Output: Hello, John.
console.log(greet("John", 25)); // Output: Hello, John. You are 25 years old.

4️⃣ TypeScript Interfaces

An interface defines the structure of an object.

🔹 Defining and Using Interfaces

interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
isStudent?: boolean; // Optional property

let user: Person = { name: "Alice", age: 22 };
console.log(user.name); // Output: Alice

Why Use Interfaces?
✔ Ensures objects follow a specific structure.
✔ Helps in better code organization and error prevention.

5️⃣ TypeScript Classes

Classes in TypeScript use object-oriented programming (OOP) principles like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

🔹 Defining a Class

class Car {
brand: string;
model: string;

constructor(brand: string, model: string) {
this.brand = brand;
this.model = model;

getDetails(): string {
return `Car: ${this.brand} ${this.model}`;

let myCar = new Car("Toyota", "Corolla");
console.log(myCar.getDetails()); // Output: Car: Toyota Corolla

Key Features:
✔ constructor() initializes object properties.
✔ getDetails() is a method that returns car details.

6️⃣ TypeScript Arrays and Tuples

Arrays and tuples store multiple values.

🔹 Array Declaration

let fruits: string[] = ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango"];
console.log(fruits[0]); // Output: Apple

🔹 Tuple Declaration

Tuples allow fixed types at specific positions.

let person: [string, number] = ["Alice", 25];
console.log(person[0]); // Output: Alice

Array → Stores multiple values of the same type.
Tuple → Stores different types in a specific order.

7️⃣ TypeScript Enums

Enums are used to define a set of named constants.

enum Direction {
Up = 1,

let move: Direction = Direction.Up;
console.log(move); // Output: 1

Enums help in better readability when dealing with fixed values.

8️⃣ TypeScript Union and Intersection Types

Union (|) allows multiple types, and Intersection (&) combines types.

🔹 Union Type (Variable can hold multiple types)

let id: number | string;
id = 101; // Valid
id = "AB101"; // Also valid

🔹 Intersection Type (Combining Interfaces)

interface A {
propA: string;

interface B {
propB: number;

type Combined = A & B;
let obj: Combined = { propA: "Hello", propB: 100 };

Why Use These?
✔ Union types allow flexibility.
✔ Intersection types combine multiple interfaces for more control.

9️⃣ TypeScript Type Aliases

Aliases provide custom names for complex types.

type ID = number | string;
let userId: ID = 123; // Valid
userId = "ABC"; // Also valid

Aliases make code more readable and reusable.

🔟 TypeScript Generics

Generics allow reusable code without specifying exact data types.

function identity<T>(value: T): T {
return value;

console.log(identity<string>("Hello")); // Output: Hello
console.log(identity<number>(100)); // Output: 100

Generics improve code reusability by allowing different data types.

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