Data Science – What is Data?

In data science, Data can come in many forms and can describe anything from numbers in a spreadsheet to text in social media posts, images or even audio recordings.

Why is Data Important in Data Science?

Data is the driving force behind data science. Without data, there would be no insights to draw, no predictions to make and no models to build.

Data allows us to understand trends, identify patterns and make informed decisions.

In data science, data is the starting point of any project, and knowing how to handle, clean and interpret data is crucial for generating accurate, actionable insights.

Types of Data

  1. Structured Data
    • Structured data is organized in a highly defined format, often in rows and columns like a table in a database. Each piece of information fits into a specific “cell” and can be easily sorted, filtered, or analyzed.
    • Example: A spreadsheet with customer information, such as names, ages and purchase amounts. Each column represents a variable and each row represents a unique observation.
  2. Unstructured Data
    • Unstructured data is more complex, as it does not follow a specific format. This type of data includes text, images, videos and audio files, which require specialized techniques for processing and analysis.
    • Example: A social media post containing text, hashtags, and images. The text may have varying sentence structures and the images may contain objects that need to be recognized.
  3. Semi-Structured Data
    • Semi-structured data is a hybrid format that contains tags or markers to separate elements but doesn’t have a rigid structure. It’s somewhat organized but still requires additional processing for detailed analysis.
    • Example: A JSON or XML file containing product information. It has tags like “Product Name” and “Price” but doesn’t follow a strict row-and-column format.

Characteristics of Data

  1. Volume: Refers to the amount of data. Large datasets, often referred to as big data, contain massive amounts of information.
  2. Variety: Data comes in different forms, as discussed above (structured, unstructured, semi-structured).
  3. Velocity: This indicates the speed at which data is generated and collected. In real-time applications, data is generated continuously.
  4. Veracity: This measures the accuracy and reliability of data. High-quality data is essential for effective analysis.
  5. Value: Data’s worth lies in its ability to provide useful information or insights when processed correctly.

Sources of Data

Data can be collected from various sources, depending on the purpose of the analysis:

  1. Primary Sources: Data collected firsthand, such as through surveys, interviews or experiments. This data is original and directly relevant to the project.
  2. Secondary Sources: Data obtained from external sources like government databases, research papers or public datasets. It is usually pre-processed or analyzed by others.
  3. Real-Time Sources: Data streams in real-time from sources like sensors, online transactions or social media feeds.

How is Data Represented?

In data science, data can be represented in several formats:

  1. Numerical Data: Represented as numbers and used in calculations.
    • Example: Prices, ages, weights.
  2. Categorical Data: Represents categories or labels.
    • Example: Colors (Red, Green, Blue) or types of products (Electronics, Clothing, Food).
  3. Text Data: Data that comes in the form of text, often requiring natural language processing (NLP) for analysis.
    • Example: Reviews, social media comments.

Practical Example: Data Representation in Code

Let’s look at a simple example to see how different types of data might look in Python code:

# Numerical Data
prices = [19.99, 29.99, 9.99, 49.99]

# Categorical Data
categories = ["Electronics", "Clothing", "Food"]

# Text Data
reviews = ["Great product!", "Will buy again.", "Not satisfied with the quality."]

In this example:

  • prices is a list of numerical data.
  • categories is a list of categorical labels.
  • reviews is text data, which might require further processing.

Data Collection Techniques

Data scientists gather data using various methods, depending on the needs of the project:

  1. Web Scraping: Collecting data from websites using tools like BeautifulSoup or Scrapy.
  2. APIs: Accessing data provided by other platforms, like social media APIs or financial data APIs.
  3. Surveys and Forms: Manually collecting responses from individuals.
  4. Sensors: Gathering data from devices in real-time, often used in IoT (Internet of Things) applications.

Example of Data Collection Using Python

Here’s a basic example of how data can be collected through a web API in Python:

import requests

# Making a request to a public API (OpenWeatherMap in this example)
response = requests.get("")

# Checking if the request was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
print("Weather Data:", data)
print("Failed to retrieve data")

In this code:

  • We use the requests library to fetch data from the OpenWeatherMap API.
  • If the request is successful, the JSON data is stored in the data variable.

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