JavaScript Numbers

What is JavaScript Numbers ?

JavaScript numbers are a fundamental data type used for mathematical operations and handling numerical data. JavaScript treats all numbers as floating-point (decimal) numbers, making it versatile for different calculations. This guide covers JavaScript numbers, their properties, methods and common use cases with coding examples.

Number Types in JavaScript

JavaScript does not differentiate between integers and floating-point numbers. All numbers, regardless of their type, are stored in a 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point format.

  1. Integer: Whole numbers without a decimal point (e.g., 10, -5).
  2. Floating-Point Number: Numbers with a decimal point (e.g., 10.5, -3.14).
  3. Exponential Notation: Large or small numbers represented using e (e.g., 1.5e3 for 1500).

Examples of JavaScript Numbers

let integer = 25;          // Integer
let floating = 3.14; // Floating-point number
let exponential = 2.5e6; // 2.5 × 10^6 = 2500000
let negative = -42; // Negative number

Number Properties in JavaScript

JavaScript provides built-in properties for numbers:

Number.MAX_VALUELargest positive number in JavaScript.1.7976931348623157e+308
Number.MIN_VALUESmallest positive number close to zero.5e-324
Number.POSITIVE_INFINITYRepresents infinity.Infinity
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITYRepresents negative infinity.-Infinity
Number.NaNRepresents “Not-a-Number”.NaN

Number Methods

JavaScript provides several methods to work with numbers effectively.

1. toString()

Converts a number to a string.

let num = 42;
console.log(num.toString()); // Output: "42"

2. toFixed()

Formats a number with a specific number of decimals.

let price = 25.6789;
console.log(price.toFixed(2)); // Output: "25.68"

3. toExponential()

Converts a number to exponential notation.

let num = 123456;
console.log(num.toExponential(2)); // Output: "1.23e+5"

4. toPrecision()

Formats a number to a specified length.

let num = 5.6789;
console.log(num.toPrecision(3)); // Output: "5.68"

5. Number.isNaN()

Checks if a value is NaN.

console.log(Number.isNaN(42)); // Output: false
console.log(Number.isNaN("hello" / 2)); // Output: true

6. Number.isFinite()

Checks if a value is finite.

console.log(Number.isFinite(25)); // Output: true
console.log(Number.isFinite(Infinity)); // Output: false

Number Conversions

Use these methods to convert values to numbers.

1. Number()

Converts a value to a number.

let str = "123";
console.log(Number(str)); // Output: 123

2. parseInt()

Parses a string and returns an integer.

let str = "42px";
console.log(parseInt(str)); // Output: 42

3. parseFloat()

Parses a string and returns a floating-point number.

let str = "42.5px";
console.log(parseFloat(str)); // Output: 42.5

Special Values

1. Infinity

Represents a value larger than Number.MAX_VALUE.

console.log(1 / 0); // Output: Infinity

2. NaN (Not-a-Number)

Indicates an invalid mathematical operation.

console.log("hello" / 2); // Output: NaN

Example: Practical Usage of Numbers

Calculating Discounts

let price = 100;
let discount = 20; // Percentage

let finalPrice = price - (price * (discount / 100));
console.log(`The final price after discount is ${finalPrice}.`);
// Output: The final price after discount is 80.

Converting Strings to Numbers

let str = "50";
let num = Number(str);
console.log(num + 10); // Output: 60

Validating User Input

function isValidNumber(value) {
return !Number.isNaN(Number(value));

console.log(isValidNumber("42")); // Output: true
console.log(isValidNumber("hello")); // Output: false

Common Mistakes

  1. Mixing Strings and Numbers: JavaScript may perform implicit type conversion, leading to unexpected results.
console.log("10" + 20); // Output: "1020" (string concatenation)
console.log("10" - 5); // Output: 5 (type conversion)
  1. Comparing with NaN: Always use Number.isNaN() instead of equality checks.
console.log(NaN === NaN); // Output: false
console.log(Number.isNaN(NaN)); // Output: true

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