Inline Style In React

In React, inline styling is one of the primary methods for adding styles to components directly within the JavaScript code.

It allows you to set CSS properties directly on elements without using external stylesheets or CSS classes.

Inline styling in React is slightly different from regular HTML inline styles because it uses a JavaScript object rather than a CSS string.

What is Inline Styling in React?

Inline styling in React refers to applying CSS properties directly on elements within a component using JavaScript object syntax. Instead of writing CSS styles in separate files, you define them inline, typically within the render function or component return statement.

Inline styles are defined as objects, and each CSS property name follows JavaScript camelCase notation rather than standard CSS kebab-case.

Why Use Inline Styling in React?

Inline styles offer several advantages:

  • Component-Specific Styling: Inline styles apply directly to a component, keeping styles scoped and preventing conflicts with other components.
  • Conditional Styling: Inline styles can easily be modified based on component state or props, allowing for dynamic styling.
  • Quick Prototyping: Inline styles are useful for rapid prototyping or small components where external stylesheets may be unnecessary.
  • Avoiding CSS Class Conflicts: Inline styles prevent issues related to CSS class name conflicts or specificity issues.

Setting Inline Styles in React

To apply inline styles in React, use the style attribute with a JavaScript object that contains key-value pairs for each CSS property.

Example: Basic Inline Styling

Here’s how to add a simple inline style in React:

import React from 'react';

function InlineStyledComponent() {
return (
<div style={{ backgroundColor: 'lightblue', padding: '20px', textAlign: 'center' }}>
<h1 style={{ color: 'darkblue', fontSize: '24px' }}>Welcome to Inline Styling in React!</h1>
<p style={{ color: 'darkgray' }}>This is an example of inline styling.</p>

export default InlineStyledComponent;

In this example:

  • The div element has a background color, padding and text alignment set through the style attribute.
  • The h1 and p elements have their colors and font sizes defined inline.
  • Each CSS property uses camelCase notation (e.g., backgroundColor instead of background-color).

Key Differences Between Inline Styling in HTML and React

  1. CamelCase Property Names: In React, CSS properties use camelCase, so font-size becomes fontSize.
  2. JavaScript Object Syntax: Inline styles are written as objects, not strings and each property name is wrapped in quotes only if it’s not a valid JavaScript identifier.
  3. No Units for Certain Values: React automatically appends px to certain properties (e.g., width, height) if you provide numeric values, so width: 100 becomes width: 100px.

Dynamic Inline Styling

React allows you to dynamically apply inline styles based on the component’s state, props or context. This is useful for conditional rendering and responsive design.

Example: Dynamic Styling with State

Here’s an example where the background color changes based on a button click:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function DynamicStyledComponent() {
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);

const toggleActive = () => {

const boxStyle = {
backgroundColor: isActive ? 'lightgreen' : 'lightcoral',
padding: '20px',
textAlign: 'center',
cursor: 'pointer',

return (
<div style={boxStyle} onClick={toggleActive}>
<h2>{isActive ? 'Active State' : 'Inactive State'}</h2>
<p>Click to toggle the background color!</p>

export default DynamicStyledComponent;

In this example:

  • The component has a boxStyle object where the backgroundColor changes based on the isActive state.
  • Clicking on the div toggles the state and thus, the background color.

Combining Multiple Inline Style Objects

In some cases, you may want to combine multiple inline styles. In JavaScript, you can merge style objects using Object.assign or the spread operator.

Example: Combining Multiple Style Objects

const baseStyle = {
padding: '10px',
color: 'black',

const additionalStyle = {
backgroundColor: 'lightyellow',
fontWeight: 'bold',

function CombinedStyledComponent() {
const combinedStyle = { ...baseStyle, ...additionalStyle };

return (
<div style={combinedStyle}>
<h3>This component has combined inline styles!</h3>

In this example:

  • baseStyle and additionalStyle are combined using the spread operator.
  • The resulting combinedStyle object applies both sets of styles to the div element.

Inline Styling vs. CSS Classes

While inline styling is useful in many cases, it has limitations compared to external CSS classes:

  • Reusability: CSS classes are reusable across components, whereas inline styles are defined for each element.
  • CSS Features: CSS classes allow access to advanced features like pseudo-classes (:hover, :active) and media queries, which are not possible with inline styles alone.
  • Performance: Excessive inline styling can lead to increased DOM size, potentially affecting performance. External stylesheets are generally more efficient for larger applications.

Using Inline Styling for Animation

For simple transitions, you can use inline styling combined with CSS transitions. Here’s an example:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function AnimatedComponent() {
const [isExpanded, setIsExpanded] = useState(false);

const toggleExpand = () => {

const boxStyle = {
width: isExpanded ? '200px' : '100px',
height: '100px',
backgroundColor: 'lightblue',
transition: 'width 0.3s ease',
cursor: 'pointer',

return (
<div style={boxStyle} onClick={toggleExpand}>
<p>Click to {isExpanded ? 'shrink' : 'expand'}!</p>

export default AnimatedComponent;

In this example:

  • The boxStyle object includes a transition property to animate the width of the div when clicked.

When to Use Inline Styles in React

  1. Component-Specific Styles: Inline styling is useful when you have unique styles for a specific component and don’t want to use global CSS.
  2. Dynamic or Conditional Styles: If the style changes based on state or props, inline styling makes it easy to dynamically apply styles within the component.
  3. Small or Prototyping Projects: For small projects or rapid prototyping, inline styles offer a quick way to handle styling without external CSS files.

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