What Are React Fragments?

In React, fragments allow you to group multiple elements without adding extra nodes to the DOM.

They provide a cleaner and more efficient way to structure components by eliminating unnecessary wrapper elements.

Fragments are represented by <React.Fragment> or the shorthand syntax <> </>.

For example, if you want to return multiple elements from a component, instead of wrapping them in a div or another element, you can use a fragment:

import React from 'react';

function Greeting() {
return (
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<p>Welcome to learning React fragments.</p>

// Or using the shorthand syntax:
function GreetingShorthand() {
return (
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<p>Welcome to learning React fragments.</p>

In both examples:

  • The <React.Fragment> or <> syntax wraps the h1 and p elements, allowing them to be returned together without an additional <div> wrapper.
  • The fragment itself does not create any new elements in the DOM, preserving a clean structure.

Why Use React Fragments?

React fragments offer several advantages in component development:

  1. Cleaner DOM Structure: By removing unnecessary wrapper elements, fragments keep the DOM structure clean and free of extra nodes.
  2. Simplified Layouts and Styling: Excessive wrapper elements can complicate CSS styling and layouts. Fragments reduce this complexity.
  3. Improved Performance: Since fragments do not create additional DOM nodes, they reduce the memory footprint and improve rendering performance, especially in large or complex applications.
  4. Better Accessibility: Excessive wrappers can interfere with screen readers and other accessibility tools. Fragments help to ensure a more accessible DOM by reducing irrelevant nodes.

Using React Fragments

Basic Usage

The simplest way to use fragments is with the shorthand syntax <> </>. This syntax allows you to write cleaner code, as shown below:

javascriptCopy codefunction List() {
return (
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>

In this example, List returns three <li> elements wrapped in a fragment without adding an extra node. This is especially useful when returning lists of items or elements where additional wrappers would interfere with layouts or styling.

Using the Full <React.Fragment> Syntax

In cases where you need to add properties to a fragment, you should use the full <React.Fragment> syntax. For example, when working with lists that require a key attribute:

function ProductList({ products }) {
return (
{products.map(product => (
<React.Fragment key={product.id}>

// Usage
const products = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Product A', price: '$20' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Product B', price: '$30' },

<ProductList products={products} />


  • React.Fragment allows you to assign a key attribute to each group of li elements.
  • This avoids using an extra div for each product, resulting in a cleaner DOM.

When to Use React Fragments

Fragments are especially useful in the following scenarios:

  1. Returning Multiple Elements from a Component: When you need to return multiple sibling elements but don’t want to introduce unnecessary DOM nodes.
  2. Nested Components: Fragments are beneficial for components with nested structures, such as layout components, where wrapper elements can disrupt the design or CSS styles.
  3. Lists with Sibling Elements: When rendering lists that contain multiple sibling elements, fragments keep the DOM clean and accessible by avoiding unnecessary <div> elements.
  4. Table Rows: Using fragments in tables is particularly useful because wrapping elements in a div inside a <table> is not valid HTML. Fragments allow you to wrap multiple <td> elements without disrupting the table structure.Example: Using Fragments in a Table
function Table() {
return (
  1. In this example:
    • React.Fragment ensures that each pair of elements is grouped without adding extra
      elements, preserving valid HTML structure within the table.

Best Practices for React Fragments

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with React fragments:

  • Use Fragments When a Wrapper Isn’t Necessary: Fragments are perfect when a wrapper element like div or span isn’t required for styling or functionality.
  • Opt for Shorthand Syntax When Possible: Use the shorthand <> </> whenever you don’t need to add properties to the fragment. It’s more concise and makes your code more readable.
  • Assign Keys When Using Fragments in Lists: If you’re using fragments to render multiple items in a list and the list requires keys, use <React.Fragment key={. . .}> to avoid warnings and ensure optimal React rendering.
  • Avoid Using Fragments for Single Elements: Fragments are unnecessary for single elements or when the component already has a single wrapper. Use them only when needed.

Advantages and Limitations of React Fragments


  • Efficiency: Fragments prevent the addition of unnecessary DOM nodes, making the application more efficient.
  • Cleaner Structure: The DOM structure remains more manageable, enhancing readability and accessibility.
  • Flexible Grouping: Fragments make it easy to group multiple elements without impacting layout or styles.


  • No Attributes in Shorthand Syntax: The shorthand <> </> syntax doesn’t support attributes like key. Use <React.Fragment> when attributes are necessary.
  • Limited Use Case: Fragments are only helpful for grouping elements without rendering new DOM nodes. They are not a replacement for elements that require styling or functional grouping.

Summary and Key Takeaways

  • React Fragments allow grouping of multiple child elements without adding extra DOM nodes.
  • Fragments improve performance, accessibility and provide a cleaner structure by avoiding unnecessary wrappers.
  • Use fragments with the shorthand syntax <> </> for concise code or <React.fragment> when attributes like key are needed.
  • Fragments are ideal for list rendering, nested layouts and table structures, where extra nodes could disrupt HTML validity or styling.

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