Difference Between Jquery vs React

jQuery and React are two popular JavaScript libraries

Release Year20062013
CreatorJohn ResigFacebook
TypeJavaScript library for DOM manipulationJavaScript library for building UIs
Primary Use CaseSimple web applications, DOM manipulationComplex, dynamic single-page applications
ArchitectureProcedural, operates directly on the DOMComponent-based, uses Virtual DOM
PerformanceSlower on complex UIs due to direct DOM updatesFaster with complex UIs due to Virtual DOM
Data FlowNot structured for data flowUnidirectional data flow
State ManagementNot natively supportedBuilt-in state management
ModularityLimited modularityHighly modular with reusable components
Event HandlingSimple and straightforwardUses synthetic events for better performance
AnimationsEasy with built-in methodsUses CSS or third-party libraries
Browser CompatibilityWide support, including older browsersBest with modern browsers
Development SpeedFast setup, minimal initial structure requiredMore setup required, but organized code
Learning CurveLow – easier for beginnersModerate – requires understanding of React
PopularityDeclining in favor of modern frameworksWidely popular for SPAs and UI frameworks
Community SupportLarge but decreasingVery large and active
DependenciesLightweight, no strict dependency managementComponent dependencies managed with npm/yarn
Code ReadabilityCan get cluttered with large applicationsHighly readable and maintainable
RenderingDirect DOM renderingVirtual DOM rendering for optimization
Server-Side RenderingNot supportedSupported through frameworks like Next.js

Key Features of jQuery:

  • Simplifies DOM manipulation and traversal
  • Provides powerful event-handling capabilities
  • Supports AJAX calls with ease
  • Easy animation and effect methods
  • Works well in simple or legacy web applications

Example of jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#myButton').click(function() {
$('#myDiv').text('Hello, jQuery!');

In this example, jQuery changes the text of a div element when a button is clicked.

Key Features of React:

  • Component-based architecture for reusability
  • Virtual DOM for improved performance
  • Unidirectional data flow (data moves from parent to child)
  • Built-in support for managing application state
  • Well-suited for complex, modern SPAs

Example of React:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function App() {
const [text, setText] = useState('Hello, React!');

return (
<button onClick={() => setText('React is amazing!')}>Click me</button>

export default App;

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