What is React Flux Concept

Flux is an architectural pattern introduced by Facebook to manage the flow of data in JavaScript applications. Although often associated with React, Flux is not limited to it and can be implemented with other libraries and frameworks.

Key Principles of Flux Architecture

Flux follows a unidirectional data flow, which is one of the main reasons it’s effective for larger applications where data management can quickly become complex. Its architecture revolves around three main parts: the dispatcher, stores and views (React components).

1) Dispatcher: The dispatcher is the central hub for data flow in a Flux application. It’s responsible for receiving actions (events triggered by user interaction or API calls) and distributing them to the appropriate stores.

In Flux, only one dispatcher is typically used per application, which allows all actions to be coordinated in one place.

2) Stores: Stores manage the state and logic of the application. Each store is responsible for a specific area of the application state, meaning they contain the necessary data and logic to manage it.

Stores are different from React components because they don’t have direct interaction with the UI. Instead, they serve as repositories of state information and handle updates when actions are dispatched.

3) Views (React Components): In Flux, views are the components that receive data from stores and render the UI.

Views are updated based on changes in the stores and can trigger new actions if required. This separation of concerns helps in maintaining clear boundaries between the UI, data and application logic.

4) Actions: Actions are payloads of information that send data from the application to the dispatcher. They can be triggered by user events, API responses or other events in the application.

Actions don’t contain logic; instead, they describe what happened. Each action typically includes an action type and any necessary data.

Unidirectional Data Flow in Flux

One of the key features of Flux is its unidirectional data flow. Data flows in a single direction:

  1. Actions are triggered by user interactions or system events.
  2. Dispatcher receives the action and sends it to all registered stores.
  3. Stores update their state based on the action and notify the views.
  4. Views (Components) re-render based on the new state.

This unidirectional flow ensures data consistency, as each component is dependent on data from a single source, reducing the complexity associated with state management.

Implementing Flux: A Simple Example

Here’s a basic example to illustrate the Flux architecture in action:

Define the Actions: Actions are typically represented as constants in the application.


const ActionTypes = {

Create the Dispatcher: A simple dispatcher implementation can be achieved using the flux package.

import { Dispatcher } from 'flux';
const AppDispatcher = new Dispatcher();
export default AppDispatcher;

Create the Store: The store maintains the state and listens for actions.

import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import AppDispatcher from './AppDispatcher';
import ActionTypes from './ActionTypes';

let items = [];

class ItemStore extends EventEmitter {
getItems() {
return items;

addItem(item) {

handleActions(action) {
switch(action.type) {
case ActionTypes.ADD_ITEM:
// no default action

const itemStore = new ItemStore();

export default itemStore;

Create a View Component: The view listens to the store for any changes.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import itemStore from './ItemStore';
import AppDispatcher from './AppDispatcher';
import ActionTypes from './ActionTypes';

function ItemList() {
const [items, setItems] = useState(itemStore.getItems());

useEffect(() => {
itemStore.on('change', () => {
}, []);

const addItem = (item) => {
type: ActionTypes.ADD_ITEM,

return (
<button onClick={() => addItem('New Item')}>Add Item</button>
{items.map((item, index) => <li key={index}>{item}</li>)}

export default ItemList;

In this example:

  • An action (ADD_ITEM) is dispatched through the dispatcher.
  • The store (ItemStore) updates its state based on the action.
  • The view component (ItemList) listens to the store for changes and re-renders as needed.

Benefits of Using Flux

  • Predictable Data Flow: The unidirectional flow in Flux makes the data flow predictable and manageable.
  • Enhanced Debugging: Since actions and state changes are clearly separated, debugging becomes easier.
  • Centralized Control: The dispatcher ensures all actions are channeled through one point, providing centralized control of application logic.

Challenges with Flux

  • Complexity: For smaller applications, Flux may introduce unnecessary complexity.
  • Boilerplate Code: The need to define actions, a dispatche and stores can result in more boilerplate code compared to simpler architectures.

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