RasPi LED & Pushbutton

Controlling an LED with a pushbutton is a simple yet powerful project to learn how to use Raspberry Pi GPIO pins for input and output. This project demonstrates how to read button states and use them to control an external component like an LED.

What Is a Pushbutton in Electronics?

A pushbutton is a simple switch that completes or breaks an electrical circuit when pressed. In this project:

  • Input: The pushbutton sends a signal to the Raspberry Pi when pressed.
  • Output: The Raspberry Pi controls the LED based on the button’s state.


Ensure you have the following items before starting:

  1. Raspberry Pi: Any model (e.g., Raspberry Pi 4, Zero).
  2. MicroSD Card: With Raspberry Pi OS installed.
  3. Pushbutton: A standard tactile button.
  4. LED and Resistor: 5mm LED and a 220-ohm resistor.
  5. Breadboard and Jumper Wires: For easy circuit connections.
  6. Python Installed: Pre-installed on Raspberry Pi OS.

Circuit Setup

Components and Connections:

  1. Pushbutton:
    • Connect one leg of the button to GPIO18 (Pin 12).
    • Connect the other leg to GND (Pin 6).
  2. LED:
    • Connect the longer leg (anode) to GPIO17 (Pin 11).
    • Connect the shorter leg (cathode) to a 220-ohm resistor.
    • Connect the other end of the resistor to GND (Pin 6).

Circuit Diagram:

Raspberry Pi PinComponent Connection
GPIO17 (Pin 11)Anode of LED
GPIO18 (Pin 12)One leg of the pushbutton
GND (Pin 6)Cathode of LED and button GND

Step 1: Install Required Libraries

Ensure the RPi.GPIO library is installed:

pip install RPi.GPIO

Step 2: Write the Python Code

Here’s the Python code to control the LED with the pushbutton:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO  # Import GPIO library
import time # Import time library for delays

# GPIO setup
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Use Broadcom pin numbering
GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT) # Set GPIO17 as output for LED
GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Set GPIO18 as input with pull-up resistor

print("Press the button to toggle the LED...")

# Main loop
while True:
button_state = GPIO.input(18) # Read the button state
if button_state == GPIO.LOW: # Button pressed (active low)
GPIO.output(17, GPIO.HIGH) # Turn on LED
print("LED is ON")
GPIO.output(17, GPIO.LOW) # Turn off LED
print("LED is OFF")
time.sleep(0.1) # Small delay for debounce
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Exiting program...")
GPIO.cleanup() # Reset GPIO settings

Step 3: Run the Python Script

Save the script as led_button.py.

Run the script using the terminal:

sudo python3 led_button.py

Press the button and observe the LED turning on and off based on the button’s state.

Explanation of the Code

  1. GPIO Setup:
    • GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM): Sets the pin numbering system to Broadcom.
    • GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT): Configures GPIO17 as an output for the LED.
    • GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP): Configures GPIO18 as an input with an internal pull-up resistor.
  2. Button State:
    • GPIO.input(18): Reads the state of the button (LOW when pressed, HIGH otherwise).
  3. LED Control:
    • GPIO.output(17, GPIO.HIGH): Turns the LED on when the button is pressed.
    • GPIO.output(17, GPIO.LOW): Turns the LED off when the button is released.
  4. Debouncing:
    • A small delay (time.sleep(0.1)) prevents false triggers caused by button noise.
  5. Cleanup:
    • GPIO.cleanup(): Resets all GPIO pins to their default state when the script exits.

Common Issues and Solutions

LED Not Turning On:

  • Check the connections and ensure the resistor is connected properly.
  • Verify the GPIO pin numbers in the code match the circuit.

Button Not Responding:

  • Ensure the button is connected correctly (one side to GPIO, the other to GND).
  • Use a pull-up resistor in the code (GPIO.PUD_UP).

Script Not Running:

  • Run the script with sudo to avoid permission issues:
sudo python3 led_button.py

LED Flickering:

  • Increase the debounce delay if necessary:

Enhancements for the Project

1. Toggle LED with Each Button Press

Modify the script to toggle the LED state on each button press:

led_state = False  # Initial LED state

while True:
button_state = GPIO.input(18)
if button_state == GPIO.LOW: # Button pressed
led_state = not led_state # Toggle LED state
GPIO.output(17, led_state)
print("LED state:", "ON" if led_state else "OFF")
time.sleep(0.5) # Delay to avoid multiple toggles
except KeyboardInterrupt:

2. Add Multiple Buttons and LEDs

Control multiple LEDs with different buttons:

GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.OUT)  # Setup another LED on GPIO27
GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Another button on GPIO22

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