Python Strings

What are Strings in Python?

A string in Python is a sequence of characters used to represent text. Strings are immutable, meaning once created, their contents cannot be changed.

Examples of Strings:

# Strings with single quotes
string1 = 'Hello, World!'

# Strings with double quotes
string2 = "Python is fun!"

# Strings with triple quotes (multiline string)
string3 = '''This is
a multiline

String Indexing and Slicing

Python strings are indexed, which means each character in a string has a specific position. Indexing starts from 0 for the first character and goes up to n-1 for the last character. You can also use negative indexing, where -1 represents the last character.

Example of Indexing:

text = "Python"
print(text[0]) # Output: P (First character)
print(text[-1]) # Output: n (Last character)

String Slicing:

String slicing is used to extract a part of the string by specifying a start and end index.

text = "Programming"
print(text[0:6]) # Output: Progra (Characters from index 0 to 5)
print(text[3:]) # Output: gramming (From index 3 to the end)
print(text[:4]) # Output: Prog (From start to index 3)
print(text[::2]) # Output: Pormig (Every second character)

Common String Operations

Python provides a wide range of operations and methods to manipulate strings.

1. String Concatenation

You can combine strings using the + operator.

str1 = "Hello"
str2 = "World"
result = str1 + " " + str2
print(result) # Output: Hello World

2. String Repetition

Use the * operator to repeat strings.

text = "Python "
print(text * 3) # Output: Python Python Python

3. String Length

The len() function returns the number of characters in a string.

text = "Programming"
print(len(text)) # Output: 11

String Methods

Python has numerous built-in string methods that make string manipulation easy. Here are some of the most commonly used methods:

1. upper() and lower()

Convert a string to uppercase or lowercase.

text = "Hello Python"
print(text.upper()) # Output: HELLO PYTHON
print(text.lower()) # Output: hello python

2. strip()

Remove leading and trailing whitespace.

text = "  Python  "
print(text.strip()) # Output: Python

3. replace()

Replace a substring with another.

text = "I love Java"
print(text.replace("Java", "Python")) # Output: I love Python

4. split()

Split a string into a list of substrings.

text = "apple,banana,cherry"
fruits = text.split(",")
print(fruits) # Output: ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']

5. join()

Join elements of a list into a single string.

fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']
result = ", ".join(fruits)
print(result) # Output: apple, banana, cherry

6. find()

Find the first occurrence of a substring.

text = "Python programming"
index = text.find("program")
print(index) # Output: 7

7. isnumeric() and isalpha()

Check if a string contains only numbers or only alphabets.

text = "12345"
print(text.isnumeric()) # Output: True
text = "Python"
print(text.isalpha()) # Output: True

Escape Characters

Escape characters allow you to include special characters in strings. They start with a backslash (\).

Examples of Escape Characters:

text = "He said, \"Python is amazing!\""
print(text) # Output: He said, "Python is amazing!"

text = 'It\'s a sunny day.'
print(text) # Output: It's a sunny day.

String Formatting

String formatting provides a way to include variables and expressions in strings.

1. Using f-strings (Recommended):

name = "Alice"
age = 25
print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.")
# Output: My name is Alice and I am 25 years old.

2. Using format() Method:

name = "Bob"
age = 30
print("My name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age))
# Output: My name is Bob and I am 30 years old.

Immutable Nature of Strings

Strings are immutable, meaning you cannot change them after they are created. Any operation that modifies a string creates a new string instead of altering the original.


text = "Hello"
text[0] = "h" # This will raise an error

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