HTML Entities

What Are HTML Entities?

HTML entities are a way to display reserved or special characters in a browser. Instead of writing the character directly, you use a specific code, starting with an ampersand (&) and ending with a semicolon (;).

  • Reserved characters like <, > are used for HTML tags. To display these symbols, you use entities like &lt; for < and &gt; for >.
  • Invisible characters like spaces (&nbsp;) or copyright symbols (&copy;) can also be represented using entities.

Why Are HTML Entities Important?

  1. Avoid Errors: Reserved characters can break your HTML structure if not represented correctly.
  2. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Entities ensure characters display consistently across browsers.
  3. Improved Readability: Entities clarify the code by separating characters from functional HTML.
  4. Accessibility: Entities can make text more accessible to screen readers.

Syntax of HTML Entities

An HTML entity follows this basic structure:



  • &lt; or &#60; represents <
  • &gt; or &#62; represents >
  • &amp; or &#38; represents &

Common HTML Entities

CharacterEntity NameEntity Number

Types of HTML Entities

1. Reserved Characters

Reserved characters are part of the HTML syntax, and using them directly may confuse the browser.


<p>This is a &lt;sample&gt; paragraph.</p>

This is a <sample> paragraph.

2. Special Characters

Special characters include symbols like copyright (©), registered trademark (®), and more.


<p>&copy; 2024 MyWebsite. All rights reserved.</p>

© 2024 MyWebsite. All rights reserved.

3. Invisible Characters

Invisible characters, such as spaces, can also be represented using entities.



This is spaced text.

How to Use HTML Entities in Code

  1. Represent Reserved Characters:
    To display <script> as text and not as a tag:
<p>The &lt;script&gt; tag is used to add JavaScript.</p>
  1. Add Special Symbols:
    To display a trademark symbol:
<p>MyBrand&trade; is a global name.</p>
  1. Maintain Formatting with Invisible Characters:
    To add extra space:

Advanced Examples

Example 1: Displaying Code Snippets

When writing tutorials, you may want to display HTML code as text.

<p>The following is an example of a link: &lt;a href=&quot;#&quot;&gt;Click here&lt;/a&gt;.</p>

The following is an example of a link: <a href=”#”>Click here</a>.

Example 2: Combining Multiple Entities

Use multiple entities in one line to create structured text.

<p>&copy; 2024 MyWebsite. All&nbsp;rights&nbsp;reserved. &reg;</p>

© 2024 MyWebsite. All rights reserved. ®

SEO Benefits of HTML Entities

Using HTML entities can improve a website’s SEO performance by ensuring proper rendering and avoiding broken HTML. This results in better indexing by search engines and an improved user experience.

Full HTML Example Using Entities

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Learn all about HTML entities with examples. Represent reserved and special characters like <, >, & in HTML.">
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML entities, reserved characters, special symbols in HTML">
<title>HTML Entities Guide</title>
<h1>HTML Entities Guide</h1>

<p>HTML entities represent reserved or special characters in web pages, ensuring proper display.</p>

<p>Reserved character example: &lt;code&gt;&lt;/code&gt;</p>
<p>Special symbol example: &copy; &reg;</p>
<p>Invisible character example: This&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;is&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;spaced&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;text.</p>

<p>&copy; 2024 MyWebsite. All rights reserved.</p>

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