What is a Function in Rust?
A function in Rust is a reusable block of code that performs a specific task. It can accept inputs (parameters), process them, and optionally return a value. Every Rust program starts with a special function called main().
Syntax of a Function
Here is the basic syntax for defining and using a function in Rust:
fn function_name(parameters) -> ReturnType {
// Function body
- fn: Keyword to declare a function.
- function_name: Name of the function (follows snake_case convention).
- parameters: Input values the function accepts (optional).
- -> ReturnType: Specifies the type of value the function returns (optional).
- Function body: Contains the code to execute.
Defining and Calling a Function
Example 1: Simple Function
fn greet() {
println!("Hello, Rust!");
fn main() {
greet(); // Function call
Hello, Rust!
Parameters in Functions
Functions can accept inputs, called parameters, to work with dynamic data.
Example 2: Function with Parameters
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) {
println!("The sum is: {}", a + b);
fn main() {
add(5, 10); // Pass arguments 5 and 10
The sum is: 15
- Parameters: a and b are of type i32.
- Arguments: Values passed to the function (5 and 10).
Returning Values from Functions
Functions can return a value using the -> syntax to specify the return type. The return keyword is optional for the final expression.
Example 3: Function with a Return Value
fn multiply(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a * b // The last expression is the return value
fn main() {
let result = multiply(4, 5);
println!("The product is: {}", result);
The product is: 20
Functions with Multiple Return Statements
Using the return
keyword, functions can have multiple return points.
Example 4: Using return Explicitly
fn check_number(num: i32) -> &'static str {
if num > 0 {
return "Positive";
} else if num < 0 {
return "Negative";
fn main() {
let result = check_number(-5);
println!("The number is: {}", result);
The number is: Negative
Nested Functions
Rust allows defining functions within other functions, though it’s not common practice.
Example 5: Nested Function
fn main() {
fn inner_function() {
println!("This is a nested function!");
inner_function(); // Calling the nested function
This is a nested function!
Using the main() Function
The main() function is the entry point of every Rust program. It cannot take arguments directly or return a value.
Example 6: Basic main() Function
fn main() {
println!("Welcome to the Rust program!");
Welcome to the Rust program!
Generic Functions
Rust supports generic programming, allowing functions to work with different data types.
Example 7: Generic Function
fn display<T>(item: T)
where T: std::fmt::Debug {
println!("Item: {:?}", item);
fn main() {
display(42); // Works with integers
display("Rust!"); // Works with strings
Item: 42
Item: "Rust!"
Default Values for Parameters
Rust does not support default parameter values directly, but you can achieve similar functionality using optional parameters or overloading.
Functions with No Return Type
A function without a return type (->) returns the () type, representing an empty value.
Example 8: Void Function
fn no_return() {
println!("This function returns nothing!");
fn main() {
This function returns nothing!