macros are a powerful way to write reusable and flexible code. Macros allow you to generate code at compile time, saving you from writing repetitive patterns. They are especially useful for tasks that require code generation, such as logging, testing or implementing traits for multiple types.
What are Macros in Rust?
A macro in Rust is a way to write code that writes other code. Unlike functions, macros are expanded at compile time, meaning the compiler generates the code before execution starts. This makes macros faster and more flexible for certain tasks.
There are three main types of macros in Rust:
- Declarative Macros: Defined using macro_rules!.
- Procedural Macros: Custom macros created using Rust’s procedural macro system.
- Attribute Macros: Used to modify or annotate code (e.g., #[derive(Debug)]).
Why Use Macros?
- Reduce Code Duplication: Macros let you write reusable patterns.
- Dynamic Code Generation: Generate code based on input parameters.
- Compile-Time Efficiency: Macros expand during compilation, so they don’t add runtime overhead.
Declarative Macros (macro_rules!)
Declarative macros are the most common type of macro in Rust. They allow you to define rules for generating code.
Syntax of macro_rules!
macro_rules! macro_name {
(pattern) => {
Example: A Simple Macro
macro_rules! say_hello {
() => {
println!("Hello, world!");
fn main() {
say_hello!(); // Expands to println!("Hello, world!");
- say_hello!: The name of the macro.
- ( ) : The pattern the macro matches.
- println!: The code generated when the macro is invoked.
Example: Macro with Arguments
macro_rules! print_sum {
($a:expr, $b:expr) => {
println!("The sum is: {}", $a + $b);
fn main() {
print_sum!(5, 10); // Outputs: The sum is: 15
- $a:expr and $b:expr: Match any Rust expressions.
- $a + $b: Generates code that adds the two values and prints the result.
Example: Macro with Multiple Patterns
Macros can handle different input patterns.
macro_rules! match_input {
(one) => {
println!("You entered one");
(two) => {
println!("You entered two");
($x:expr) => {
println!("You entered: {}", $x);
fn main() {
match_input!(one); // Outputs: You entered one
match_input!(two); // Outputs: You entered two
match_input!(42); // Outputs: You entered: 42
- The macro matches the input and generates the appropriate code for each pattern.
Procedural Macros
Procedural macros allow you to manipulate Rust code. These macros are more advanced and require importing the proc_macro crate.
Types of Procedural Macros:
- Custom Derive Macros: Add behavior to structs or enums (e.g., #[derive(Debug)]).
- Attribute Macros: Modify or annotate items (e.g., #[test]).
- Function-Like Macros: Create macros that look like function calls.
Example: Custom Derive Macro
To create a custom derive macro, you need a separate crate.
- Add the following to your Cargo.toml:
proc-macro = "1.0"
- Create the procedural macro in a library crate:
extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
pub fn my_trait_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// Parse the input and generate code here
- Use it in another crate:
struct Example;
Attribute Macros
Attribute macros are used to annotate or modify code. For example:
struct MyStruct {
name: String,
age: u32,
fn main() {
let person = MyStruct {
name: String::from("Alice"),
age: 30,
println!("{:?}", person);
- #[derive(Debug)]: Automatically generates the Debug implementation for MyStruct.
Common Built-In Macros
Rust comes with several built-in macros that are widely used:
println!: Prints formatted text to the console.
vec!: Creates a Vec.
let my_vec = vec![1, 2, 3];
format!: Formats a string.
include!: Includes code from another file.
assert!: Checks if a condition is true.
Advantages of Rust Macros
- Compile-Time Efficiency: Macros are expanded at compile time, ensuring zero runtime cost.
- Flexibility: Handle repetitive tasks, reducing boilerplate code.
- Customizability: Create your own macros to suit specific needs.