
Overview of create-react-app: create-react-app is a command-line tool that sets up a new React project with a good default configuration, saving developers from the hassle of manual setup.


  • Zero configuration: It abstracts the build setup, allowing you to focus on development.
  • Built-in support for modern JavaScript features and JSX.
  • Fast refresh for a better development experience.

Using create-react-app: To create a new application:

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start

This command initializes a new React app with a predefined structure, including directories for components, styles, and tests.

Structure of a create-react-app Project:

  • node_modules/: Contains all the dependencies.
  • public/: Holds static files like HTML and images.
  • src/: Contains the main application code, where you’ll write your components.

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