WebAssembly Future Proposals

1. Garbage Collection (GC) Integration


The Garbage Collection (GC) proposal seeks to make WebAssembly more compatible with high-level programming languages, such as Java, Kotlin and C#. These languages heavily rely on garbage collection for memory management, which WebAssembly currently lacks support for.

Key Features

  • Native support for objects and classes in WebAssembly modules.
  • Efficient memory management for languages requiring garbage collection.
  • Seamless interaction between WebAssembly modules and the JavaScript runtime.


Without GC support, languages like Java and C# require custom runtime environments in WebAssembly, adding complexity and reducing performance. The GC proposal simplifies this by integrating memory management directly into Wasm.

Use Case

Running Java applications directly in the browser without needing additional runtime layers.

2. Component Model


The Component Model proposal introduces a standardized way for WebAssembly modules to interoperate. It simplifies how modules interact with each other and their host environments.

Key Features

  • Module composition: Allows developers to build applications by combining smaller, reusable Wasm modules.
  • Cross-language compatibility: Modules written in different languages can work together seamlessly.
  • Simplified imports and exports: Improved APIs for interacting with host systems and other modules.


Currently, combining multiple Wasm modules can be challenging due to the lack of standardized interoperability. The Component Model addresses this by making modular development more straightforward.

Use Case

Building a microservices architecture where each service is a WebAssembly module written in different languages.

3. Threads and SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data)


The Threads and SIMD proposals aim to improve WebAssembly’s performance for computationally intensive applications like gaming, machine learning, and scientific simulations.


  • Enable parallel execution within WebAssembly modules.
  • Utilize multi-core processors for better performance.
  • Suitable for tasks like concurrent computations or multithreaded applications.


  • Introduces vectorized operations for Wasm, allowing simultaneous processing of multiple data points.
  • Improves performance for workloads such as image processing, cryptography and AI.


Threads and SIMD unlock the full potential of modern hardware, making Wasm a viable choice for high-performance computing tasks.


Efficiently processing image filters in a photo editing application using SIMD:

#include <wasm_simd128.h>

v128_t apply_filter(v128_t pixel) {
return wasm_i16x8_add(pixel, wasm_i16x8_splat(10)); // Add brightness

4. Extended Support for 64-bit Memory


The 64-bit Memory proposal extends WebAssembly to support memory addressing beyond the 32-bit limit, enabling modules to handle significantly larger datasets.

Key Features

  • Expand memory capabilities from 4GB to virtually unlimited sizes.
  • Suitable for applications requiring extensive memory, such as big data processing or scientific computations.


Currently, the 32-bit memory limit is a constraint for certain Wasm applications. Supporting 64-bit memory addresses removes this barrier, making Wasm suitable for enterprise-scale applications.

5. Exception Handling


The Exception Handling proposal introduces structured error handling for WebAssembly, allowing developers to handle runtime errors gracefully.

Key Features

  • Support for try, catch and throw constructs in WebAssembly modules.
  • Easier debugging and recovery from runtime errors.
  • Language-agnostic error propagation.


Without native exception handling, error recovery in WebAssembly relies on custom workarounds, complicating development. This proposal streamlines error management.


Handling exceptions in a WebAssembly module:

try {
call $process_data
} catch $error {
call $log_error

6. Dynamic Linking


The Dynamic Linking proposal allows WebAssembly modules to share code and resources dynamically at runtime.

Key Features

  • Load and link modules on demand.
  • Share libraries between modules to reduce duplication.
  • Improve memory usage and loading times.


Dynamic linking is essential for creating complex applications with modular structures, such as operating systems or large-scale enterprise software.

7. Interface Types


The Interface Types proposal simplifies data exchange between WebAssembly modules and their host environments.

Key Features

  • Abstracts low-level data formats.
  • Allows high-level languages to interact with Wasm more easily.
  • Reduces boilerplate code for host-module communication.


Currently, developers need to manually serialize and deserialize data when interfacing with Wasm. Interface Types automate this, saving time and reducing errors.

8. WebAssembly on the Edge


The Edge Computing proposal focuses on optimizing WebAssembly for edge devices, where resources are limited but low latency is crucial.

Key Features

  • Reduced runtime size for embedded devices.
  • Enhanced integration with edge computing platforms.
  • Support for offline capabilities.

Use Case

Running Wasm applications on IoT devices or edge servers to process data closer to the source.

9. Tail Call Optimization


The Tail Call proposal enables optimized recursive function calls in WebAssembly, reducing stack usage and improving performance for functional programming languages.


Languages like Scheme and Haskell rely heavily on recursion. Tail call optimization ensures that Wasm can run these languages efficiently.


Efficiently calculating Fibonacci numbers with tail calls:

(func $fib (param $n i32) (result i32)
(if (result i32)
(i32.lt_s (get_local $n) (i32.const 2))
(return (get_local $n))
(call $fib (i32.sub (get_local $n) (i32.const 1)))
(call $fib (i32.sub (get_local $n) (i32.const 2)))

10. Custom Sections and Metadata


This proposal allows developers to include additional metadata in WebAssembly modules, such as debugging information, module descriptions, or custom configuration.

Use Case

Adding versioning information to a Wasm module for better management in production.

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