WebAssembly Functions

What Are WebAssembly Functions?

A WebAssembly function is a set of instructions that can:

  • Accept parameters.
  • Perform computations or operations.
  • Return a result.

These functions are similar to those in high-level languages like JavaScript or Python but follow a low-level, stack-based execution model in WebAssembly.

Functions in WebAssembly are statically typed, meaning the number and types of their parameters and return values must be explicitly defined. Each WebAssembly module can have multiple functions, including an optional exported function that can be called externally.

Structure of a WebAssembly Function

A WebAssembly function has the following key components:

  1. Function Signature: Defines the number and type of parameters and return values.
  2. Local Variables: Temporary variables used only within the function.
  3. Instructions: The actual operations performed by the function.

Declaring a Function in WebAssembly (Text Format)

In the WebAssembly Text Format (.wat), functions are defined using the func keyword.


(func <function_name> (param <param_name> <type>) (result <type>)
;; Function instructions go here
  • func: Declares the function.
  • param: Specifies input parameters.
  • result: Specifies the type of the return value.

Example 1: Simple Function

A function to add two numbers.

WebAssembly Text Format:

(func $addNumbers (param $a i32) (param $b i32) (result i32)
local.get $a ;; Push the value of $a onto the stack
local.get $b ;; Push the value of $b onto the stack
i32.add ;; Add the two values
(export "addNumbers" (func $addNumbers)) ;; Export the function
  • Parameters: $a and $b are integers of type i32.
  • Instruction: Adds the two integers using i32.add.
  • Result: Returns the sum of $a and $b.

How to Use in JavaScript:

const wasmCode = new Uint8Array([...]); // Bytecode of the WebAssembly module
WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmCode).then(wasmModule => {
const addNumbers = wasmModule.instance.exports.addNumbers;
console.log(addNumbers(5, 3)); // Output: 8

Example 2: Function with Local Variables

A function that calculates the product of two numbers and multiplies it by a constant.

WebAssembly Text Format:

(func $calculateProduct (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (result i32)
(local $constant i32) ;; Declare a local variable
i32.const 10 ;; Push the value 10
local.set $constant ;; Store it in the local variable
local.get $x ;; Push $x onto the stack
local.get $y ;; Push $y onto the stack
i32.mul ;; Multiply $x and $y
local.get $constant ;; Push the constant onto the stack
i32.mul ;; Multiply the result by the constant
(export "calculateProduct" (func $calculateProduct)) ;; Export the function


  • Local Variable: $constant is used to hold the value 10.
  • Operation: The function multiplies $x, $y and $constant.

Expected Result:

For inputs 2 and 3, the output is 60 because (2 * 3) * 10 = 60.

Importing and Exporting Functions

WebAssembly allows functions to be imported from the host environment (e.g., JavaScript) or exported to be used externally.

Example of Exporting a Function:

(func $helloWorld
;; Print message logic (requires integration with JavaScript)
(export "helloWorld" (func $helloWorld)) ;; Export the function

Example of Importing a Function:

(import "env" "log" (func $log (param i32))) ;; Import a logging function
(func $callLog
i32.const 42 ;; Push value to log
call $log ;; Call the imported function
(export "callLog" (func $callLog))

In this example:

  • env.log is a JavaScript function imported into WebAssembly.
  • $callLog calls the imported function to log a value.

Advanced Features of WebAssembly Functions

Default Functions:

  • Each WebAssembly module can define a “start” function that runs automatically when the module is instantiated.
  • Example:
(func $start
;; Initialization logic
(start $start) ;; Specify $start as the entry point

Function Tables (Indirect Function Calls):

  • WebAssembly supports function tables for dynamic function calls, useful for implementing features like polymorphism.
  • Example:
(table $funcTable 2 funcref)
(elem (i32.const 0) $func1 $func2)

Best Practices for Writing Functions in WebAssembly

  1. Keep Functions Small and Modular:
    • Divide logic into multiple smaller functions for readability and reuse.
  2. Use Descriptive Names:
    • Use meaningful function and parameter names for better maintainability.
  3. Optimize for Performance:
    • Avoid unnecessary stack operations.
    • Minimize memory usage within functions.
  4. Test with Host Languages:
    • Validate WebAssembly functions by calling them from languages like JavaScript or Rust to ensure they work as expected.

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