Rust Loops

What are Loops?

Loops allow you to execute a block of code repeatedly until a specified condition is met or indefinitely. In Rust, loops are powerful and efficient, ensuring memory safety and providing control over execution flow.

Types of Loops in Rust

a. The loop Keyword

The loop keyword creates an infinite loop that runs until explicitly stopped using the break statement.


loop {
// Code to execute
if condition {
break; // Exit the loop

Example: Simple Counter

fn main() {
let mut count = 0;

loop {
count += 1;
println!("Count is: {}", count);

if count == 5 {


Count is: 1  
Count is: 2
Count is: 3
Count is: 4
Count is: 5

b. The while Loop

The while loop executes as long as the given condition evaluates to true.


while condition {
// Code to execute

Example: Countdown Timer

fn main() {
let mut number = 5;

while number > 0 {
println!("Number: {}", number);
number -= 1;


Number: 5  
Number: 4
Number: 3
Number: 2
Number: 1

c. The for Loop

The for loop iterates over a range, collection, or iterator. It is the most commonly used loop in Rust due to its simplicity and safety.


for variable in collection {
// Code to execute

Example: Iterating Over a Range

fn main() {
for number in 1..=5 {
println!("Number: {}", number);


Number: 1  
Number: 2
Number: 3
Number: 4
Number: 5

Breaking and Continuing Loops

break Statement:

The break statement exits a loop prematurely.


fn main() {
for number in 1..=10 {
if number == 5 {
break; // Exit the loop when number equals 5
println!("Number: {}", number);


Number: 1  
Number: 2
Number: 3
Number: 4

continue Statement:

The continue statement skips the rest of the loop body for the current iteration and moves to the next iteration.


fn main() {
for number in 1..=5 {
if number == 3 {
continue; // Skip number 3
println!("Number: {}", number);


Number: 1  
Number: 2
Number: 4
Number: 5

Nested Loops

You can use loops inside other loops (nested loops). Rust allows you to label loops to control flow precisely.

Example: Multiplication Table

fn main() {
for i in 1..=3 {
for j in 1..=3 {
print!("{} ", i * j);


1 2 3  
2 4 6
3 6 9

Using Labels with Loops:

Labels help identify specific loops in nested contexts.

fn main() {
'outer: for i in 1..=3 {
for j in 1..=3 {
if i == 2 && j == 2 {
break 'outer; // Breaks the outer loop
println!("i: {}, j: {}", i, j);


i: 1, j: 1  
i: 1, j: 2
i: 1, j: 3
i: 2, j: 1

Infinite Loops and Early Exit

Infinite loops created with loop are useful for tasks like servers or real-time applications. Use break to exit based on conditions.

Example: Infinite Loop with Condition

fn main() {
let mut counter = 0;

loop {
counter += 1;
if counter == 10 {
println!("Counter: {}", counter);

Using Loops with Collections

Loops are often used to iterate over collections like arrays, vectors, and hash maps.

Example: Iterating Over an Array

fn main() {
let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

for num in numbers {
println!("Number: {}", num);


Number: 10  
Number: 20
Number: 30
Number: 40
Number: 50

Key Differences Between Loop Types

TypeDescriptionUse Case
loopRuns indefinitely unless stoppedReal-time tasks, waiting processes
whileRuns while a condition is trueUnknown number of iterations
forIterates over a range or collectionKnown number of iterations

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