Node.js HOME

Node.js is a popular open-source, cross-platform runtime environment that allows you to build server-side and scalable network applications using JavaScript. Traditionally, JavaScript was only used on the client side. Node.js brings JavaScript to the server side, making it possible to use one language across the entire development process.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a runtime environment built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows you to execute JavaScript outside a web browser. Think of it as a tool to run JavaScript on the server side, helping you build high-performance, scalable web applications.

Node.js is particularly popular because of its non-blocking I/O model and event-driven architecture, which makes it efficient and suitable for building real-time applications like chat apps, APIs, and more.

Key Features of Node.js

Asynchronous and Non-Blocking
Node.js processes multiple requests at the same time using an event loop. It doesn’t wait for a task to complete before starting another one, which makes it faster.


const fs = require('fs');

// Non-blocking file read
fs.readFile('example.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {

console.log("Reading file...");


Reading file...
<contents of example.txt>

While Node.js uses a single thread for handling requests, its underlying architecture is capable of handling multiple tasks efficiently through asynchronous programming.

Node.js runs on major operating systems like Windows, macOS and Linux, making it versatile for developers across platforms.

Fast Execution
Using the V8 engine, Node.js executes JavaScript code at lightning speed.

Why Learn Node.js?

  • High Demand: Node.js is widely used in industries for building modern web applications.
  • Full-Stack JavaScript Development: With Node.js, you can use JavaScript for both frontend and backend development.
  • Scalability: Ideal for building applications that require handling many simultaneous connections, such as real-time applications (e.g., chat systems).
  • Active Community: Node.js has a large and supportive developer community with plenty of open-source libraries available via npm (Node Package Manager).

Setting Up Node.js

To get started with Node.js, you need to install it on your system. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Download and Install Node.js

  1. Visit the official Node.js website:
  2. Download the LTS (Long-Term Support) version. It is more stable and recommended for beginners.
  3. Install Node.js by following the installer instructions.

Step 2: Verify the Installation

After installation, open your terminal (Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on macOS/Linux) and run the following commands to ensure Node.js is installed:

node -v

This command will display the installed Node.js version. Example output:


Also, check the npm version:

npm -v

Step 3: Write Your First Node.js Program

Let’s create a simple program to ensure everything is set up correctly.

Create a new file named app.js.

Add the following code:

console.log("Hello, Node.js!");

Run the file in your terminal:

node app.js


Hello, Node.js!

Real-World Example: Creating a Simple HTTP Server

One of the key features of Node.js is its ability to create a server with just a few lines of code. Let’s see how:

const http = require('http');

// Create a server
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.end('Welcome to Node.js!');

// Listen on port 3000
server.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server is running on http://localhost:3000');

Save this code in a file named server.js.

Run it using the command:

node server.js

Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:3000.

You will see:

Welcome to Node.js!

Common Mistakes Beginners Make

  1. Skipping LTS Version: Always use the LTS version unless you need the latest experimental features.
  2. Not Using npm: npm helps you manage dependencies, which makes your project easier to maintain.
  3. Blocking Code: Avoid writing synchronous (blocking) code, as it defeats the purpose of Node.js.

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