Rust Logical Operators

Logical operators in Rust are used to combine or manipulate Boolean values (true or false). They play a crucial role in decision-making and control flow within programs.

Types of Logical Operators in Rust

OperatorDescriptionSyntax ExampleOutput
&&Logical ANDtrue && falsefalse
``Logical OR
!Logical NOT!truefalse

Detailed Explanation

1. Logical AND (&&)

The && operator evaluates to true only if both operands are true.


let result = condition1 && condition2;


fn main() {
let age = 25;
let has_id = true;

if age >= 18 && has_id {
println!("You are eligible to enter.");
} else {
println!("You are not eligible to enter.");


You are eligible to enter.

2. Logical OR (| |)

The | | operator evaluates to true if at least one of the operands is true.


let result = condition1 || condition2;


fn main() {
let has_password = false;
let has_fingerprint = true;

if has_password || has_fingerprint {
println!("Access granted.");
} else {
println!("Access denied.");


Access granted.

3. Logical NOT ( ! )

The ! operator inverts the Boolean value. If the operand is true, it returns false, and vice versa.


let result = !condition;


fn main() {
let is_authenticated = false;

if !is_authenticated {
println!("Please log in.");
} else {
println!("Welcome back!");


Please log in.

Practical Scenarios

Logical operators are essential in writing conditions for control flow. Let’s explore a practical example.

Example: Checking eligibility for a loan:

fn main() {
let age = 30;
let has_income_proof = true;
let has_good_credit = false;

if age >= 18 && (has_income_proof || has_good_credit) {
println!("You are eligible for the loan.");
} else {
println!("You are not eligible for the loan.");


You are eligible for the loan.

Important Notes

Short-Circuit Evaluation:

  • In &&, if the first operand is false, the second operand is not evaluated.In | |, if the first operand is true, the second operand is not evaluated.
  • Example:
fn main() {
let a = false && { println!("This won't print."); true };
let b = true || { println!("This won't print either."); false };

Precedence of Operators:
Logical NOT ( ! ) has the highest precedence, followed by Logical AND (&&), and then Logical OR (||).
To ensure clarity, use parentheses for complex expressions.

let result = !(true || false) && true; // Parentheses clarify precedence
println!("{}", result); // Output: false

Combining Conditions:
Logical operators can be combined to form complex conditions.

fn main() {
let temperature = 30;
let is_raining = false;

if temperature > 20 && !is_raining {
println!("It's a great day for a picnic!");
} else {
println!("Better stay indoors.");


It's a great day for a picnic!

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