Introduction to Java If…Else
In Java, the if. . .else statement is used to execute specific blocks of code based on a condition. This control flow mechanism is essential for making decisions in a program, allowing it to choose different paths of execution depending on the evaluation of boolean expressions.
Syntax of If…Else
If Statement: Executes a block of code if the condition is true.
if (condition) {
// Code to execute if condition is true
If-Else Statement: Provides an alternate block of code to execute if the condition is false.
if (condition) {
// Code to execute if condition is true
} else {
// Code to execute if condition is false
If…Else If…Else Statement: Allows checking multiple conditions sequentially.
if (condition1) {
// Code to execute if condition1 is true
} else if (condition2) {
// Code to execute if condition2 is true
} else {
// Code to execute if none of the above conditions are true
How If…Else Works
- Condition Evaluation:
- The condition inside the if statement is evaluated.
- If the condition evaluates to true, the corresponding block of code executes.
- If it evaluates to false and an else statement is present, the else block executes.
- Sequential Checks:
- For multiple conditions in if…else if…else, Java evaluates each condition sequentially until it finds one that is true.
- If none of the conditions are true, the else block executes as a default case.
Examples of If…Else
Basic If Statement
public class IfExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int age = 20;
if (age >= 18) {
System.out.println("You are eligible to vote.");
You are eligible to vote.
If…Else Statement
public class IfElseExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int marks = 45;
if (marks >= 50) {
System.out.println("You passed the exam.");
} else {
System.out.println("You failed the exam.");
You failed the exam.
If…Else If…Else Statement
public class IfElseIfExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int marks = 85;
if (marks >= 90) {
System.out.println("Grade: A+");
} else if (marks >= 75) {
System.out.println("Grade: A");
} else if (marks >= 50) {
System.out.println("Grade: B");
} else {
System.out.println("Grade: F");
Grade: A
Nested If…Else
An if…else statement can also be nested inside another if…else to handle more complex conditions.
public class NestedIfExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int age = 25;
boolean hasVoterID = true;
if (age >= 18) {
if (hasVoterID) {
System.out.println("You can vote.");
} else {
System.out.println("You need a voter ID to vote.");
} else {
System.out.println("You are not eligible to vote.");
You can vote.
Use Cases of If…Else
- Validation: Checking user input or program states.
- Decision Making: Executing different blocks of code based on conditions.
- Handling Multiple Scenarios: Using else if to handle various cases.
Common Mistakes in If…Else
Missing Braces:
Omitting braces { } can lead to logical errors, especially when adding new statements.
if (a > b)
System.out.println("A is greater.");
System.out.println("This will always execute.");
Assignment Instead of Comparison:
Using = instead of == inside the condition.
if (a = b) { // Assignment instead of comparison
Unreachable Code:
Placing code after a return statement in an if block.
Best Practices for If…Else
Keep Conditions Simple: Avoid writing overly complex conditions.
if ((a > b && c < d) || e == f) {
// Clear and easy to understand
Use Meaningful Variable Names: Make conditions self-explanatory.
if (isUserLoggedIn) {
Avoid Deep Nesting: Refactor deeply nested if. . .else for better readability.
if (condition1 && condition2) {
// Execute code