Python String Formatting

Why Use String Formatting? Instead of manually concatenating strings using operators like +, string formatting offers a more flexible and readable way to handle dynamic strings. It simplifies the process of inserting values into text while ensuring proper alignment, spacing and formatting. Methods of String Formatting in Python Python provides multiple methods for string formatting, … Read more

Python User Input

What is input() in Python? The input() function is used to collect data from the user. When the program executes the input() function, it halts and waits for the user to type something and press Enter. The entered value is then returned as a string. Syntax of input() variable = input(prompt) Basic Example of input() … Read more

Python Try Except

What is try…except? The try…except block is used to handle exceptions (errors) that occur during the execution of a program. The code inside the try block is executed first. If an error occurs, the execution jumps to the except block where the error is handled. Key Points: Syntax of try…except The basic syntax is as … Read more

Python PIP

PIP stands for “Pip Installs Packages.” It is the standard package manager for Python, allowing developers to install, manage, and share Python packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI). Packages are reusable modules or libraries that can extend the functionality of your Python projects, ranging from web frameworks to data analysis tools. Why Use PIP? … Read more

Python RegEx

Regular Expressions (RegEx) are powerful tools in Python for searching, matching and manipulating text. They allow you to define search patterns to find specific strings in a larger text or validate input formats like email addresses, phone numbers or dates. Python provides the re module to work with RegEx efficiently. Python RegEx? Importing the re … Read more

Python JSON

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular data format used for exchanging information between systems. It is lightweight, easy to read and language-independent. In Python, the json module allows you to work with JSON data efficiently by providing methods to encode (convert Python objects to JSON) and decode (convert JSON to Python objects). Learn Python … Read more

Python Math

Python provides a wide range of mathematical functions and operations to handle calculations effectively. The built-in math module is the foundation for performing advanced mathematical operations. It contains various methods for arithmetic calculations, trigonometry, logarithms, factorials and much more. Why Learn Python Math? Getting Started with the Math Module To use the math module, you … Read more

Python Dates

Why Learn Python Dates? Getting Started with Python Dates To use dates in Python, you need to import the datetime module. This module provides the following important classes: Example: Importing the datetime Module import datetime Current Date and Time You can retrieve the current date and time using the method. Example: Display Current Date … Read more

Python Modules

In Python, a module is a file that contains Python code, such as functions, variables and classes. Modules allow you to organize and reuse code efficiently across multiple programs. By using modules, developers can maintain a clean and modular structure in their projects. Why Use Python Modules? Creating a Python Module A module is simply … Read more

Python Scope

In Python, scope refers to the area of a program where a variable is accessible. Understanding scope is essential for writing efficient and bug-free code because it determines the visibility and lifetime of variables. Python uses a set of rules to decide where a variable can be accessed or modified, known as the LEGB Rule … Read more
