Java Advanced Sorting

What is Sorting? Sorting is the process of arranging elements in a specific order, typically in ascending or descending order. Advanced sorting techniques are designed for efficiency and are often used in scenarios involving large datasets or complex conditions. Advanced Sorting Techniques in Java These sorting techniques are more efficient than basic algorithms like Bubble … Read more

Java Lambda

What is a Lambda Expression? A lambda expression is essentially a shorthand for implementing an interface with a single abstract method (Functional Interface). It eliminates the need for boilerplate code when creating instances of these interfaces. Syntax: (parameter list) -> { body of the expression } Why Use Lambda Expressions? Components of Lambda Expressions Examples … Read more

Java Threads

What is Java Threads? A thread is a lightweight subprocess, a smallest unit of processing in Java. It allows a program to execute multiple tasks concurrently, making efficient use of CPU resources. Java provides robust support for multithreading through the java.lang.Thread class and the java.util.concurrent package. What is a Thread? A thread represents a single … Read more

Java RegEx

Java Regular Expressions (RegEx) In Java, Regular Expressions (RegEx) are a powerful tool for pattern matching and string manipulation. They allow you to define complex search patterns, validate user inputs, and perform text transformations efficiently. Java provides the java.util.regex package to work with regular expressions. What is RegEx? Regular Expressions are sequences of characters that … Read more

Java Exceptions

What is Java Exceptions? In Java, an exception is an unwanted or unexpected event that disrupts the normal flow of a program. Exceptions occur during runtime and can arise due to logical errors, invalid inputs, or unforeseen conditions such as dividing by zero, accessing an invalid index in an array or trying to open a … Read more

Java Wrapper Classes

What is Java Wrapper Classes? In Java, every primitive data type (e.g., int, char, boolean) has a corresponding Wrapper Class that provides an object representation of the primitive type. Wrapper classes are part of the java.lang package, and they enable primitive data types to be used as objects. This is essential when working with frameworks … Read more

Java Iterator

What is Java Iterator? An Iterator in Java is an object that provides a way to access elements of a collection sequentially without exposing the underlying collection’s structure. It belongs to the java.util package and is part of the Java Collections Framework. The primary purpose of an Iterator is to traverse elements in a collection, … Read more

Java HashSet

What is HashSet in Java In Java, HashSet is a collection class that implements the Set interface and is part of the Java Collections Framework. It stores elements in an unordered collection and does not allow duplicate values. A HashSet is widely used when you need a fast way to check if an element exists … Read more

Java HashMap

What is HashMap? In Java, a HashMap is part of the Java Collections Framework and is one of the most commonly used data structures. It is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique, and each key maps to a specific value. A HashMap is a powerful tool for performing fast lookups, adding … Read more

Java List Sorting

What is List Sorting? In Java, sorting a list is a common task when you need to arrange elements in a specific order (either ascending or descending). Java provides several methods to perform sorting on lists, with the most commonly used being Collections.sort() for lists of comparable elements and Comparator for lists of elements that … Read more
