SQL Interview Questions

Preparing for interviews can be daunting, especially in a field as dynamic as database management. Among the various topics you may encounter, SQL interview questions hold significant importance. these questions not only assess your technical expertise but also gauge your problem-solving abilities. in this article, we will explore the most common and essential SQL interview questions, equipping you with the knowledge needed to excel in your next interview. by mastering these concepts, you can confidently demonstrate your SQL skills to potential employers.

Top 50 SQL Interview Questions

1. What is SQL?

Answer : SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a standardized programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. It allows users to create, read, update, and delete data stored in a database.

2. What are the different types of SQL commands?

Answer : SQL commands are categorized into four types:

  • DDL (Data Definition Language): Commands like CREATE, ALTER and DROP that define database structures.
  • DML (Data Manipulation Language): Commands like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE that manipulate data.
  • DCL (Data Control Language): Commands like GRANT and REVOKE that control access to data.
  • TCL (Transaction Control Language): Commands like COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT that manage transactions.

3. What is a primary key?

Answer : A primary key is a unique identifier for a record in a database table. It ensures that no two rows have the same value in the primary key column, enforcing entity integrity.

4. What is a foreign key?

Answer : A foreign key is a field in one table that links to the primary key of another table. It establishes a relationship between the two tables and enforces referential integrity.

5. What are joins in SQL?

Answer : Joins are operations that combine records from two or more tables based on a related column. Common types of joins include:

  • INNER JOIN: Returns records with matching values in both tables.
  • LEFT JOIN: Returns all records from the left table and matched records from the right table.
  • RIGHT JOIN: Returns all records from the right table and matched records from the left table.
  • FULL JOIN: Returns records when there is a match in either left or right table.

6. What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?

Answer : UNION combines the results of two or more SELECT statements and removes duplicates, while UNION ALL includes all records, including duplicates.

7. What is a subquery?

Answer : A subquery is a nested query within another SQL statement. It allows users to perform operations that require multiple steps, such as filtering results based on aggregate functions.

8. What is normalization?

Answer : Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. It involves dividing a database into smaller tables and defining relationships between them.

9. What are the different normal forms?

Answer : The different normal forms are:

  • First Normal Form (1NF): Eliminates duplicate columns and ensures that all entries are atomic.
  • Second Normal Form (2NF): Achieves 1NF and ensures that all non-key attributes are fully functionally dependent on the primary key.
  • Third Normal Form (3NF): Achieves 2NF and removes transitive dependencies.

10. What is an index in SQL?

Answer : An index is a database object that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a table. It acts like a lookup table to find rows more efficiently.

11. What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR?

Answer : CHAR is a fixed-length data type that pads with spaces, while VARCHAR is a variable-length data type that stores only the necessary amount of space.

12. What is a view in SQL?

Answer : A view is a virtual table created by a query that selects data from one or more tables. It simplifies complex queries and enhances security by restricting access to specific data.

13. What is a stored procedure?

Answer : A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that can be executed as a single unit. It allows users to encapsulate complex logic and reuse it across applications.

14. What is an aggregate function?

Answer : Aggregate functions perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. common aggregate functions include SUM(), AVG(), COUNT(), MAX(), and MIN().

15. How do you create a table in SQL?

Answer : To create a table, use the CREATE TABLE statement followed by the table name and column definitions. For example:

CREATE TABLE employees (
name VARCHAR(100),
salary DECIMAL(10, 2)

16. How do you update a record in SQL?

Answer : To update a record, use the UPDATE statement along with the SET clause to specify the new values. For example:

UPDATE employees
SET salary = 75000
WHERE id = 1;

17. How do you delete a record in SQL?

Answer : To delete a record, use the DELETE statement along with the WHERE clause to specify which record to remove. For example:

DELETE FROM employees
WHERE id = 1;

18. What is a transaction?

Answer : A transaction is a sequence of one or more SQL operations executed as a single unit. transactions ensure data integrity, and they follow the ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).

19. What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING?

Answer : WHERE filters records before aggregation, while HAVING filters records after aggregation. use HAVING with aggregate functions.

20. What are triggers in SQL?

Answer : Triggers are special stored procedures that automatically execute in response to certain events on a table, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. They help enforce business rules and data integrity.

21. What is a composite key?

Answer : A composite key is a combination of two or more columns in a table that uniquely identifies a record. It is used when a single column is not sufficient to ensure uniqueness.

22. What is a self-join?

Answer : A self-join is a join in which a table is joined with itself. It is useful for comparing rows within the same table. use an alias to differentiate between the two instances of the table.

23. What is a CTE (Common Table Expression)?

Answer : A CTE is a temporary result set defined within the execution scope of a single SQL statement. It enhances readability and can be referenced multiple times within a query.

24. What is the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN?

Answer : INNER JOIN returns only the rows with matching values in both tables, while LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table and the matching rows from the right table. If there is no match, the result is NULL.

25. How do you optimize a SQL query?

Answer : To optimize a SQL query:

  • Use indexes on frequently queried columns.
  • Avoid using SELECT *; specify only the necessary columns.
  • Use proper filtering with WHERE clauses.
  • Limit the result set with LIMIT.
  • Analyze query execution plans.

26. What is data integrity?

Answer : Data integrity refers to the accuracy and consistency of data stored in a database. It ensures that data remains reliable and valid throughout its lifecycle.

27. What is a database schema?

Answer : A database schema is the structure that defines the organization of data within a database, including tables, fields, relationships, views, and indexes.

28. What are SQL constraints?

Answer : SQL constraints are rules enforced on data columns to ensure data integrity. common constraints include:

  • NOT NULL: Ensures that a column cannot have a NULL value.
  • UNIQUE: Ensures that all values in a column are different.
  • CHECK: Ensures that all values in a column satisfy a specific condition.

29. How do you find duplicate records in a table?

Answer : To find duplicate records, can use the GROUP BY clause with the HAVING clause. For example:

SELECT name, COUNT(*) 
FROM employees

30. What is the purpose of the GROUP BY clause?

Answer : The GROUP BY clause groups rows that have the same values in specified columns into summary rows, allowing the use of aggregate functions like COUNT, SUM, or AVG.

31. What is a data type in SQL?

Answer : A data type specifies the kind of data that can be stored in a column. Common data types include:

  • INT: Integer values.
  • VARCHAR(n): Variable-length character strings.
  • DATE: Date values.
  • FLOAT: Floating-point numbers.

32. What is SQL injection?

Answer : SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits vulnerabilities in an application’s software by injecting malicious SQL code into queries. It can lead to unauthorized access to data.

33. How can you prevent SQL injection?

Answer : To prevent SQL injection:

  • Use prepared statements and parameterized queries.
  • Validate and sanitize user input.
  • Use ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) frameworks.
  • Limit database user privileges.

34. What are stored functions in SQL?

Answer : Stored functions are similar to stored procedures but return a single value. they can be called within SQL statements and can accept parameters.

35. What is the CASE statement in SQL?

Answer : The CASE statement allows you to perform conditional logic within SQL queries. It returns a value based on specified conditions. For example:

SELECT name,
WHEN salary > 50000 THEN 'High'
WHEN salary BETWEEN 30000 AND 50000 THEN 'Medium'
ELSE 'Low'
END AS salary_category
FROM employees;

36. How do you rename a table in SQL?

Answer : To rename a table, use the ALTER TABLE statement with the RENAME TO clause. For example:

ALTER TABLE old_table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;

37. What is the purpose of the LIMIT clause?

Answer : The LIMIT clause restricts the number of records returned in a query. It is useful for pagination and controlling the output size. For example:

SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 10;

38. What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE?

Answer : TRUNCATE removes all records from a table without logging individual row deletions, making it faster. It also resets any auto-incrementing keys. DELETE removes rows based on conditions and logs each deletion.

39. How do you retrieve unique values from a column?

Answer : To retrieve unique values, use the DISTINCT keyword. For example:

SELECT DISTINCT department FROM employees;

40. What is the EXPLAIN statement used for?

Answer : The EXPLAIN statement is used to obtain information about how SQL queries are executed. It helps in analyzing query performance and understanding execution plans.

41. How do you concatenate strings in SQL?

Answer : To concatenate strings, use the CONCAT function or the | | operator, depending on the SQL dialect. For example:

SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS full_name FROM employees;

42. What is a cross join?

Answer : A cross join returns the Cartesian product of two tables, combining every row from the first table with every row from the second table. It does not require a condition.

43. What are user-defined functions in SQL?

Answer : User-defined functions are custom functions created by users to encapsulate complex calculations or operations. they can be scalar functions (returning a single value) or table-valued functions (returning a table).

44. What is the purpose of the COALESCE function?

Answer : The COALESCE function returns the first non-null value from a list of expressions. It is useful for handling null values in SQL queries. For example:

SELECT COALESCE(phone_number, 'Not provided') AS contact FROM employees;

45. How do you sort records in SQL?

Answer : To sort records, use the ORDER BY clause followed by the column name and sorting direction (ASC for ascending, DESC for descending). For example:

SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC;

46. What is the LIKE operator in SQL?

Answer : The LIKE operator is used to search for a specified pattern in a column. It supports wildcard characters:

  • %: Represents zero or more characters.
  • _: Represents a single character. For example:
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name LIKE 'A%'; -- Names starting with 'A'

47. What is an outer join?

Answer : An outer join returns all records from one table and the matched records from another table. If there is no match, it fills with NULL. Types of outer joins include LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL.

48. What are transactions, and why are they important?

Answer : Transactions are a sequence of operations that execute as a single unit of work. they ensure data integrity and consistency, especially in multi-user environments. transactions must bond to the ACID properties.

49. What is the purpose of the GROUP_CONCAT function?

Answer : The GROUP_CONCAT function concatenates values from multiple rows into a single string, separated by a specified delimiter. It is useful for aggregating string data. For example:

SELECT department, GROUP_CONCAT(name) AS employee_names FROM employees GROUP BY department;

50. How do you find the current date in SQL?

Answer : To find the current date, use the CURRENT_DATE() or GETDATE() function, depending on the SQL dialect. For example:



In conclusion, mastering SQL interview questions is crucial for anyone aiming to secure a position in database management or data analysis. by familiarizing yourself with these key concepts and practicing your responses, you enhance your confidence and readiness for interviews. remember, the ability to articulate your understanding of SQL and its functionalities can set you apart from other candidates. as you continue your preparation, stay curious and keep learning, as this field is ever-evolving. best of luck in your interviews, and may your SQL expertise lead you to success!

Also Learn SQL JOINS Interview Questions

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