Is Supervised Learning MCQ

Welcome to your Is Supervised Learning MCQ

1. What is the primary goal of supervised learning?

2. Which of the following is an example of supervised learning?

3. In supervised learning, the data used for training is known as?

4. Which algorithm is not used for supervised learning?

5. Supervised learning typically involves which of the following?

6. Which of the following is a common loss function used in supervised learning for classification problems?

7. In supervised learning, what is the purpose of a validation set?

8. Which supervised learning algorithm is best for classification tasks?

9. The target variable in a regression problem is typically:

10. Which of the following is NOT a supervised learning technique?

11. In supervised learning, overfitting occurs when the model:

12. Which of the following techniques helps prevent overfitting in supervised learning?

13. Which of the following is a characteristic of supervised learning models?

14. Which of the following is a supervised learning algorithm?

15. Which of the following can be considered as a disadvantage of supervised learning?

16. Which of the following supervised learning algorithms is used for regression tasks?

17. Which of the following can be a metric for evaluating a regression model?

18. In classification, which of the following techniques is used to handle imbalanced datasets?

19. Which algorithm is considered a lazy learner in supervised learning?

20. What type of variable is typically predicted in a classification task?

21. Which of the following is true about supervised learning algorithms?

22. Which of the following statements about supervised learning is incorrect?

23. What is the role of the training data in supervised learning?

24. In supervised learning, a classification task with more than two categories is known as:

25. Which of the following is an example of supervised learning in real life?

26. Which term refers to the error between the predicted and actual outputs in supervised learning?

27. Which evaluation metric is commonly used in classification problems?

28. In supervised learning, the process of using previously unseen data to test the model’s performance is called:

29. Which of the following methods is used to improve the performance of a supervised learning model?

30. Which of the following is a supervised learning task where the output variable is continuous?

31. In supervised learning, a decision boundary refers to:

32. Which algorithm is typically used for binary classification tasks in supervised learning?

33. Supervised learning algorithms learn from:

34. Which of the following is not a challenge in supervised learning?

35. Which of the following describes the process of feature selection in supervised learning?

36. Which of the following is a supervised learning technique that can handle both classification and regression?

37. In supervised learning, which of the following is true about the training set?

38. Which type of supervised learning problem involves predicting a category from input data?

39. Which of the following is a common use case of supervised learning?

40. Which term refers to the measure of how well a supervised learning model generalizes to unseen data?

41. Which of the following algorithms is based on finding a hyperplane that best separates classes in supervised learning?

42. Which evaluation metric is used to measure the accuracy of regression models?

43. In supervised learning, which technique is commonly used to reduce the dimensionality of the data before training the model?

44. Which of the following models uses a tree-like structure for both classification and regression tasks?

45. Which type of supervised learning problem involves predicting a continuous value from input data?

46. In supervised learning, which of the following is a strategy to prevent overfitting?

47. In supervised learning, what is the name of the process that splits the data into training and testing sets?

48. Which type of error occurs when the model is too simple and fails to capture the underlying data pattern?

49. Which of the following is an example of a regression problem in supervised learning?

50. Which of the following is a correct example of a supervised learning task?

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